
Chilling out

This is my very last week of holidays and I have dedicated it just to chill out and try to get back to daily working rhythm. My little doggy has been lucky to have company all day, we'll see how she's going to cope...


Puss from Stockholm

I've been in Sthlm since Friday. It's very sunny here and the spring has definitely arrived. Left my winter clothes home today and wore a leather jacket for the first time this spring! I was having a coffee at Mocco at Dalagatan and went through the new Styleby magazine by lovely Elin Kling. Snygg!


Healthy lunch

Prepared salad with avocado, spinach and pine nuts for lunch. It's a busy day so I have just enough time to enjoy this between the interviews (I'm looking for a new job). Light enough to  keep me awake and sharp all afternoon. Wish me luck!


H&M and Gisele

H&M has launched its latest collection with the help of Gisele. Looks amazing... but then again she would look fabulous in anything (no offense to H&M designers ;). Hopefully these are in store soon!

Pictures: H&M


Must have

I have been looking for a jacket for spring and these two options are on the list right now:

Option no 1

This one from Barbour, and it's excatly what I want. There are just few minor challenges to get one, it's sold out and Barbour only deliveres to UK and Ireland. After these issues are solved, I can order one ;)

Option no 2
This one is from Mimi&Lula. Love the classic style and the hood is a plus!

Pictures: Barbour and Mimi&Lula

B/W photo theme continues to bedroom

I found frames also for the rest of the pictures and placed them in the bedroom. This is how it looks now...

The black and white frames from IKEA


Chanel vs Céline

Both of these bags are absolutely gorgeous and I would love to own one (of each:). Chanel is of course a timeless classic and very versatile. However, Céline bag is also beautiful and the simple & modern design is very chic. Which one would you choose?


Nice times

It's been a busy day for me. Was on a visit out of the city all day, which was a nice change. Sun was shining, good food and great company, cannot really ask for more. Happy Shrove Sunday everyone (laskiaissunnuntai) ;)


Bag for S/S

Found this leather bag from Designers Remix. it's good size, light weight and has lovely details. Perfect I would say;)

And look at these beautiful cherry tree branches.... (btw picture frames have new b/w photos now)


Flowers and metal

I woke up to a lovely sunshine this morning. Oh yes the spring is finally here and we have even plus degrees after a very looooong winter! So to celebrate I had to wear my flowery shirt today. It's also my BF's birthday so the flowers are for him too :). I spiced the shirt up with a thick metal bracelet. Lovely! Have a great day!

Shirt Veromoda, bracelet Isabel Marant, jeans Cheap Monday